
    One-time payment. Lifetime deal.

    Monitor user behavior on your website to boost conversions and revenue

    If you can’t figure out how to attract your target customers, they’ll end up running to your nearest competitor. (“Maybe they’re just playing hard to get?”)

    Tracking customer behavior is the most powerful way to increase engagement, conversions, and business growth—but it’s easier said than done.

    If only there was a tool that could monitor user behavior and track ecommerce analytics to help you convert more prospects into customers.

    Introducing Kissmetrics.


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    A/B test user flows to optimize for conversions and segment customers to personalize your outreach strategy
    Use multi-channel attribution and revenue reporting to track successful marketing campaigns



    Kissmetrics is an ecommerce and SaaS analytics platform that lets you track customer behavior to increase conversions and revenue.

    Kissmetrics tracks your top KPIs in the Metrics dashboard, which you can customize based on your unique business goals.

    Assign team colors to each KPI and set various permissions that allow your product, marketing, and finance teams to access analytics.

    Plus, you can change the dashboard’s timeframe to see data that reflects the last few days, past week, or past month for a more holistic view.

    Metrics dashboard

    Use the metrics dashboard to track and organize important KPIs by team.

    With multi-channel attribution, you can track active users over time and find out which touchpoints lead to conversions.

    That way, you’ll be able to understand which events directly impact KPIs, lifetime value (LTV), and return on ad spend (ROAS).

    And because Kissmetrics lets you pin two reports to your dashboard, like activity reports and final reports, you can simplify data visualization.

    Dashboard reports

    Pin two different reports in your dashboard to simplify data visualization.

    In the Populations dashboard, you’ll be able to segment users based on specific parameters like their location.

    Kissmetrics lets you set up parameters for users who are dropping off, including those who haven’t logged in or used a feature for the past month.

    You can even break down user segments to learn which channels they’re using and activities they’re performing in your funnel.

    Segment customers

    Segment your customers into different populations based on custom parameters.

    Kissmetrics is equipped with Activity Reports that track site traffic and user location, including city, continent, and country.

    You can also generate different types of reports like Funnel Reports, Cohort Reports, Revenue Reports, and Power Reports.

    Looking to perform A/B tests? This platform makes it easy to measure the success of your experiments.

    A/B testing

    You can A/B test your funnel to remove bottlenecks and increase conversions.

    Figuring out what makes your customers tick requires more than a gut check. (And consulting your Magic 8 Ball doesn’t count.)

    Luckily, Kissmetrics helps you track customer behavior and collect the ecommerce data you need to drive more revenue.

    Convert more customers.

    Get lifetime access to Kissmetrics today!

    From the founders

    First post from founder

    👋 What's up, Sumo-lings!

    We're thrilled to announce our exclusive deal with AppSumo to help supercharge your growth! Kissmetrics has helped over 10,000 companies grow their businesses for over 10 years with $10 billion In transaction volume. Now, its time to open the door to Sumo-lings with a first ever exclusive offer.

    🧰 What is Kissmetrics?

    Kissmetrics empowers product and marketing teams to help businesses achieve growth. Acquire and convert more prospects into customers with key metrics and features all in one place. Kissmetrics provides detailed behavioral analytics and enables segmentation to understand customer patterns within cohorts.

    ⭐️ Deep customer knowledge

    Track active users periodically and tie activity trends to specific events. Kissmetrics identifies viewed pages by your best customers, highlights most used features per customer plan and more.

    ⭐️ Track the entire customer journey

    Kissmetrics provides a view of the entire funnel, tracking user flow from visit to conversion. Understand friction and drop-off points and see the features that lead to greater conversions.

    ⭐️ Business intelligence for reporting

    Kissmetrics enables SQL querying of the raw data to enable easy integration with other data sources and identification of key metrics.

    ⭐️ Why use Kissmetrics?

    - Tie every action to a human

    - Identify bottlenecks and reduce churn

    - Multi-channel attribution to track truly successful marketing campaigns

    - A/B testing for user flows to optimize conversions

    and much more!

    Excited to have you onboard Sumo-lings and reach out with any questions about how to unlock additional features!

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