Ambra- Superhuman for task management

    Lifetime deal

    Ambra uses hashtags for task attributes, user mention for task assignee, and one single box for task creation
    Defining, assigning and organizing tasks should be the easiest process that shouldn’t take any effort, but comes naturally instead.
    What a team should be really focused on is executing the tasks and moving them to done. Using traditional tools with multiple fields to create a task does not align with the way we communicate.
    Ambra simplifies the process of organizing tasks by using natural language for task definition.Tags are used for task attributes ie #todo #sprint5; user mention for task assignees ie @troy and there is only one single input box for entering task description.
    The simplicity of writing tasks are the first things you’re going to like about Ambra.

    With built-in features of tasks, subtasks, task list, kanban, insights (burnup/burndown chart), in-line task edit, colorizing (tag and user), integrations (Zeplin, Figma, Generic, more to come), and names per project.


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    Ambra- Superhuman for task management
    Ambra- Superhuman for task management
    Ambra- Superhuman for task management
    Ambra- Superhuman for task management

    From the founders

    February 11, 2021

    Hello Sumo-lings!

    My name is Betim and together with the team we are very excited to launch and introduce Ambra - 💻to the community here!

    👉Ambra- is a collaboration tool enabling teams to organize tasks in a natural way by using only tags and mentions, all in a single box. 🚀

    Ambra removes the necessity of having multiple fields for creating a task – there is one single box to rule them all. We empower writing tasks naturally 🧠⚡️

    Defining a fully descriptive task in traditional tools is not a simple process. You’ve to start writing the task title, description, and additional form fields for task status, priority, assignee, etc. It means there are some ceremonies to be followed 🤔

    Working for many years with different remote and office teams, we saw that every team develops its own communication language. This is more emphasized especially when it comes to daily tasks description language. This level of understanding helps the project team to communicate quickly while eliminating inaccuracies and misconceptions. 😊

    Describing a task in a natural way using one single box, without the need for multiple form fields, makes the task data entry process trivial and helps the team focus on delivering – what’s most important for an agile team – values. 🥰

    A smart team is responsible enough to focus on productivity and move the tasks to #done ✅ However, they should have a proper tool to achieve that – that’s where Ambra comes. 🤩


    A task is an entity that describes a piece of work to be done. From an Ambra perspective, a task doesn’t need to have a separate title and description. Usually, the first one is always repeated in the second one, so the first one becomes out-of-date.

    In Ambra it’s only a field when you put everything related to the task – you describe the task in a natural way and hit enter. Voilà, a task is just created! 💡


    A tag is an entity that has a name, and optionally a color, start date, end date, and a description. A tag is included on the task by only adding # as a prefix. Order is not important and language is agnostic – you can use your mother tongue.

    A tag is a task attribute, and it could affect the task by specifying:

    - Type of task (#task, #feature, #story, #epic, #bug etc.)

    - Priority (#high, #medium, #low)

    - Status (#todo, #inprogress, #done)

    - Sprint (#sprint1, #sprint2)

    - Anything else (#presentation, #design, #print, #web, etc)


    An assignee is any team member, already joined the project, that is mentioned in a task using @ prefix. Task assignees are not limited in Ambra – you can specify more than one. Your nickname is unique per project, so in one project you could be @ troy, and @ ninja in the other one. 👀

    An example

    Having read the lines above, one should easily understand the task below: who is the assignee, what is the progress, what is the priority, and what is it about.

    Hey @troy we need #todo a #presentation of the website to the customer #urgent.

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